
Original price was: $80.00.Current price is: $75.00.

milkshake race injection High Performance milkshake race injection is the result of over 20 years research and development. Spanning Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and The United States, using tens of thousands of horses in developing our HIGH PERFORMANCE MILKSHAKE into a serious all-natural drug-free recovery supplement having a serious effect on enhancing endurance and performance!




milkshake race injection High Performance milkshake race injection is the result of over 20 years research and development. Spanning Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and The United States, using tens of thousands of horses in developing our HIGH PERFORMANCE MILKSHAKE into a serious all-natural drug-free recovery supplement having a serious effect on enhancing endurance and performance!

• Reduce Lactic Acid within the muscles leading to increased endurance and performance.
• Contains Key nutrients in a balanced combination to assist with the energy production demands of the equine athlete during times of extreme energy output or VO2max.
• Provides the system with vital Krebs Cycle substrates to provide energy via ATP and the Krebs Cycle.
• Increases Muscle Glycogen reserves within the muscles for use when energy reserves are vitally low.
• Contains a comprehensive, balanced mineral profile for hydration, lactic acid and reduction and recovery.
• Enhance focus and attitude assisting in getting the best performance out of your horse.

The “milkshake race injection” has enjoyed some popularity as a performance-enhancer for racehorses, although it is banned in all racing jurisdictions. This milkshake race injection doesn’t involve milk and syrup; the primary ingredient is sodium bicarbonate, commonly known as baking soda.

This metabolic milkshake race injection is proposed to work on high school chemistry principles of acid/base neutralization. With high-intensity exercise, there is a build-up of lactic acid in muscles, leading to fatigue. The theory is that high doses of bicarbonate make blood and muscle tissue less acidic, providing buffering capacity to offset the build-up of lactic acid, enabling the horse to go farther, faster, with less fatigue. It is given via a nasogastric tube.

The practice of milkshake race injection is believed to have originated in Australia in Standardbreds. In the United States, it is also more commonly employed in Standardbreds, but has been tried in Thoroughbreds. One racetrack practitioner says there was a time prior to milkshake race injection being illegal when veterinarians would give electrolytes with or without bicarbonate to racehorses prior to a race, especially during hot, humid summers. But they abandoned the practice even before it was banned because of the appearance of tubing a horse on race day and the perception that the concoction was performance-enhancing.

A milkshake race injection consists of several ounces of sodium bicarbonate dissolved in a gallon of water. Other ingredients might include confectionery sugar, electrolytes, or nutritional substances such as creatine (thought to increase endurance). The theory is that milkshakes must be given four to eight hours prior to a race to have the desired effect at post time.

A milkshake race injection racetrack practitioner says the contents of the milkshake are not harmful, but an occasional horse might have diarrhea as a side effect. One beneficial effect noticed by trainers was that their horses seemed to recover from their race quicker the next day, thus they would be back on their feet quicker and appear less fatigued.

The executive director of the New Jersey Racing Commission, Francesco Zanzuccki, worries that horses can be in danger when dosing is inappropriate or administration is improper, leading to placement of fluid in the lungs rather than the stomach, especially if lay people try to tube the horses. milkshake race injection

Illegal Practice of milkshake race injection

milkshake race injectionis used to manipulate the performance of a racehorse without the knowledge of bettors or other horsemen. Some in the business say it doesn’t help the fatigue factor with all horses, and there is the possibility that the improvement in performance in some horses might be dose-related, but no one knows what dose will help a particular horse run better.milkshake race injection is very good for horses

Most racing jurisdictions use blood gas testing as a milkshake race injection deterrent. Steve Barker, PhD, MS, distinguished professor of veterinary medicine at Louisiana State University, is responsible for the racing drug testing program for his state. He feels post-race testing for blood gas (CO2) is more reliable than pre-race testing, although it does have the disadvantage of requiring a 90-minute cooling out period before sampling milkshake race injection.

Normal blood levels of CO2 average around 31. Barker said most states consider values over 37 to be positive. In New Jersey and Louisiana, positives were reported when the testing program first started, then decreased once the horsemen realized bicarbonate could be detected in using milkshake race injection.

milkshake race injection rarely puts a horse at great risk, but the practice is an attempt to gain unfair advantage and is illegal. Good monitoring and enforcement programs appear to be working as deterrents in most racing jurisdictions, and research is looking into the science behind the practice. However, the debate on milkshake race injectionwill probably go on for a long time. As using milkshake race injection, milkshake race injection,milkshake race injection.Alwaysa use milkshake race injection for horses and camel.milkshake race injection is very good and healthy for horses.milkshake race injection


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